Thursday, 24 June 2010


Well after some some epic carrying of stuff and then forgetting of tent poles, we all managed to settle in with the help of beer. at the moment we are all in the stone circle watching the day go by with beer. Last night I walked past a place which had an open dance floor with house music playing and one guy absolutely going for it. He might of been on drugs. Weather is great burnt already. Here's a piccy...

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Thursday, 17 June 2010


The last weekend is looming before the gig now and we're getting pretty short on time to sort things out. The main bits are there though (tent, chairs, rucksack, deodorant, booze), but we're holding fire on waterproofs/waders until closer to the time when the weather reports 'should' be more accurate. We just need to see if we can carry it all. Notice I said 'we'? I'm hoping to load up Andrea like a pack donkey from the car and kinda point her in the right direction. That's the plan, but I suspect it'll be the other way around when she chips a nail or something.

For the record, we're not soap's just that at Glastonbury there is none...perhaps soap hunters would be a better description :)

I'm guessing that once we're there, there might not be many actual blog posts :-/ I suspect that most of the activity will be occuring on the twitter feeds to the right. You never know though, I might attempt a drunken blog post from our phones.


Well, it's been a while since we last posted some stuff....

We have kind of got sucked into the boring ether that is life....get up, have a poo, a cup of tea, go to work, come back, watch bad TV then fall asleep...and recurse the following 'n' days.

That's not to say that we haven't been on holiday since our lovely travels :) We have incorporated the sights of the great theme parks of Orlando, breaking a leg skiing in Andorra, and chav camping in Norfolk (yes that's England).

That will change though as we have managed to grab our hands on some tickets for Glastonbury this year! Oh yes. It is a thought that both terrifies me and excites me at the same time. Please let the weather be kind of...ok....I really don't want to pitch my tent on top of a small lake.

Glastonbury is also something that Andrea will probably be quite vocal about. Being the posh packer that she is, camping is something that really went past her while she was dreaming of being a WAG. However, I'm sure her coverage of this years Glastonbury (hint hint Andrea) will be quite good. She will be popping her Glastonbury cherry this year so I have to really applaud her for that.

Not to worry her but, such highlights she can expect are:

  • Not washing for 5 days
  • Waking up sweating with a hangover as the sun is hitting the tent at 7am
  • Not sleeping because Fat Boy Slim is on the dance tent and that's all you can hear/feel.
  • The loos will be miles away
  • Finding the loos whilst drunk
  • Finding the loos whilst drunk and trying not to trip over a guy rope and falling onto some poor sods tent.
  • Waking up at 4am wanting the wee
  • Waking up at 4 am wanting a poo
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning after the cooking
  • Being social
  • And of course, listening to music that I like :)

However, given all that rubbish, she will experience one of the true great points in life. I 'think' I am qualified to say that, because as far as I'm concerned, it's up there with being chased by a monkey with big balls in Malaysia. Oh yes.....I've ticked that box.

I'm hoping that we'll reactivate our twitter account for this (Andrea was well ahead of the curve on that one I must say) and will be able to give tweets based on the battery life of the phone.

At the very least, it will give Andrea a medium (other than me) to shout at when she's there, which can only be good :)